Valley Water Alliance to Participate in Assembly Select Committee on Water Infrastructure and Economy Hearing on San Joaquin River Hearing Scheduled for Friday, April 1, 2005
(Fresno, California): A coalition of business leaders, local elected officials, labor interests and resource interests, The Valley Water Alliance, has come together to insure a reliable water supply for the future of the region. The Alliance is encouraging valley residents to attend Friday afternoon's hearing in Fresno called by a newly named Select Committee on Water, Infrastructure and the Economy on San Joaquin River water issues and possible economic impacts of river restoration on the region and its economy.
Assembly Member Nicole Parra (D-Fresno), will chair the Select Committee on Water, Infrastructure and the Economy hearing from 1-4 p.m. Friday, April 1 in the Fresno City Hall council chambers. "Recognizing the significant impacts any decision to shift the management of water supplies from Friant Dam will have on the entire region it is incumbent upon each and everyone of us to participate in the Select Committee's hearing and make sure the economic impacts are understood," said Joel Nelsen, Valley Water Alliance President. "We hope to see a large turnout of valley people."
The Valley Water Alliance has just been organized in response to efforts to re-establish water flow in portions of the San Joaquin River to benefit once native fish habitat. The water required would come from Central Valley Project river used for more than a half century by farmers and communities throughout the region to survive. The economic impacts of taking significant water releases from these communities, businesses and farmers would be far-reaching and ultimately devastating.
"We're very pleased Assemblywoman Parra has received this important Select Committee assignment," said Nelsen. "Her effort to reach out to the Central Valley and understand the economic impacts of any threat to our water supply is appreciated."